Bone Loss Is Consequence Of Tooth Loss

Posted on May 22, 2013 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Tooth loss has many frustrations. Dentures contribute to discomfort, reduced confidence, decreased ability to chew and enjoy foods, and a daily inconvenience.

Unfortunately, many acknowledge these ordeals as “normal”, unaware that an underlying occurrence is taking place with even greater impact to one’s life … bone loss.  Bone loss, over time, contributes to deep wrinkling and a sunken-in appearance around the mouth, a “witches chin,” jowls and a severe reduction in biting strength.

When tooth roots are missing from the upper or lower jaw, the bone begins to shrink, or resorb.  This resorption continues and is even accelerated by the pressure of dentures. An indicator of bone loss is the change in the fit of your denture.  Dentures that once fit securely will eventually begin to loosen due to the change in the bone underneath the gum.  As the bone shrinks in size, the ridge under the denture slowly flattens out. Over time, the denture has less of a foundation, decreasing one’s ability to bite and chew comfortably. The biting strength of natural teeth is 250 pounds.  A denture wearer bites with 5 to 6 pounds, on average.

Emotional repercussions are equally as severe. In addition to a decrease in self-esteem and self-confidence, denture wearers tend to unplug from society, don’t look at people in the face, smile and laugh less, don’t leave home often, wear no make-up and eat out rarely.

There is a solution, however. Dental Implants recreate the presence of tooth roots, slowing bone loss and restoring the strength of your bite.  There are many types of implants designed to accommodate individual needs.  For those who have lost a great deal of bone depth, there are procedures that can rebuild the bone to a normal depth.

Dental Implants are designed to last your lifetime. When properly selected, placed, and cared for, they will bring you nearly as much pleasure and satisfaction as natural teeth. To discuss your options in tooth replacement, call (828) 274-9440 for a consultation appointment.

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