Common Complaints of Denture Wearers

Posted on Mar 11, 2014 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

With our aging population, about 10% of American adults wear dentures. Although I am a proponent of Dental Implants for their tooth replacement superiority, I realize some people are accepting of the feel and function of dentures.

More commonly, however, patients come to us weary of the frustrations that are typical with wearing dentures and desire the stability of Dental Implants or an implant-secured denture.

Common complaints we hear from denture wearers include:
   • My dentures are uncomfortable.
   • It took a long time to get used to something foreign in my mouth.
   • I had to relearn saying certain words and to chew differently.
   • I don’t feel they look natural.
   • My denture causes me to have bad breath.
   • My dentures have embarrassed me by slipping.
   • I have a fear my dentures will shoot out when I sneeze in public.
   • I feel I look older now that I wear dentures.
   • I have sore gums a lot.
   • I’ve had to give up many things I loved to eat.
   • I can’t taste as well now.
   • Denture creams melt when I drink hot coffee and ruins the taste.
   • Adhesives help some but are expensive.
   • I laugh less with friends to avoid embarrassment.
   • I turn down invitations when there is a meal involved.

If you see your own frustrations with wearing dentures above, call (828) 274-9440 and begin with a consultation. During this time, I’ll discuss options best for your situation and answer your questions in a relaxed, comfortable setting.


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