Different Types Of Dental Implants For Different Needs

Posted on Jun 06, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

A rose by another other name may still be a rose, but unlike Shakespeare’s writings, we know that roses come in all colors and sizes.

When the term ‘Dental Implant’ is used, it refers to the basic principle of this form of tooth replacement. Generically, the ‘implanted’ portion is what is positioned into your jaw bone to provide the same foundation as that afforded by natural tooth roots.

However, when considering the shape, size and even what is attached to an implant, the type of implant system can vary widely. For example, some implants are designed to be placed at unique angles to compensate for minimal bone depth. Some implant types are made to support a single tooth or bridge of several teeth while others are positioned to hold a full arch of teeth.

A successful outcome in Dental Implant treatment begins with the selection of the proper type of implant. In doing this, the doctor must have intricate knowledge of the specific type needed for the amount of bone mass present, location of implant sites, and the number of teeth to be supported.

Proper placement angles and depth are also important. The doctor placing the implants should also be skilled in the selection of the implant angles and positioning.Galileos Integration 1

As a Periodontal specialist, my training includes the diagnosis and placement of Dental Implants. The most troubling thing I see in implant dentistry is when a patient opted for a “good deal” in Dental Implants and had a less-experienced doctor place an implant that must now be removed.

It’s amazing how seemingly minor miscalculations can become major issues that require implant removal. For example, an implant placed in the upper jaw in too-shallow bone can work its way into the sinus cavity. A lower implant in too little bone depth can reach a nerve that runs horizontally through the lower jaw.

In our office, it is a joy to see our patients who once struggled with dentures or partials complete Dental Implant treatment. They are able to resume a diet of healthy foods and feel confident in social settings. However, when we are referred an individual who learns his or her implant has ‘failed’ and must be removed, it is unfortunate.

As a dental specialist, I also must occasionally remove implants when a patient has not taken proper care of their oral hygiene at home. Oral bacteria can contribute to an infection that works its way into the bone surrounding the implant. In some cases, the only way to resolve the infection is to remove the implant.

While this is unfortunate, it is ultimately a choice the particular patient made that created the outcome. However, when a patient entrusts their implant treatment to a doctor and adheres to hygiene and healing guidelines, having an implant fail due to poor selection or placement is more than frustrating for dental specialists to witness.

If you are considering Dental Implants, increase your potential for a successful outcome by asking a Periodontist to join your dentist in team treatment. Many general dentists already have close relationships with Periodontists for implant placement and treatment of gum disease.

Feel free to discuss your specific needs and desires before you make your decision. Call (828) 274-9440 to schedule a consultation.


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