Feel Good When You Smile, From The Inside Out!

Posted on Jun 01, 2016 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

What makes you smile? REALLY smile?

You may find yourself smiling joyfully when a child or grandbaby smiles at you. A favorite comic or a funny movie may cause you to open up and smile or laugh. Isn’t it great to smile? Smiling just seems to make us feel great!

However, certain reasons leave many adults feeling self-conscious about smiling, causing them to conceal their smile or ‘hold back’ rather than reveal a full smile.

An attractive smile looks good and creates an impression of an upbeat, happy individual. Healthy teeth and gums also project good health standards. And, people who feel good about their smile tend to smile more often.

The benefits of an attractive smile actually go much deeper than enhancing one’s facial appearance. Research has shown that smiling activates endorphins, which are the ‘feel good’ chemicals in the brain. Studies also show that faking a smile when you don’t feel like smiling tricks the brain into releasing endorphins.

Smiling can also add years to one’s life. Some studies indicate that people who smile more often can add ten years to their lifespans, on average. People who frown more often live an average of three years less!

There are a number of reasons that can make individuals feel less apt to smile openly. Cosmetic flaws, such as teeth that are stained or crooked, can detract from the appearance of a smile. As a Periodontist, I see people who have severe gum disease, missing teeth or a gummy smile.

If you are not smiling as often or as openly as you’d like, let’s start with the foundation of your smile — your gums. The health of your periodontal (gum) tissues provides the foundation for your teeth. If you are experiencing symptoms of gum disease, you may have gum recession. This is when the gums pull away from the teeth, exposing darker sections of tooth roots.

Gum disease also causes frequent bad breath and tender gums that turn red in color versus the pink tint of healthy gums. The disease can cause gums to bleed when brushing and eventually leads to loose teeth. In some cases, teeth have to be removed. As a matter of fact, gum disease is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss. And, studies have shown that nearly half (47.2%) of American adults suffer with some level of gum disease. (https://www.perio.org/consumer/cdc-study.htm)

When teeth are lost, many people worry about wearing dentures or partials. Typical concerns are teeth that don’t look (or feel) natural, embarrassing slips, difficulty eating certain foods and chewing discomfort. These common problems have motivated many adults to opt for Dental Implants.

Dental Implants are positioned in the jaw bone, restoring the same, stable foundation as that of natural tooth roots. This restores your ability to bite and chew the foods you love comfortably and confidently. And, since the teeth attached to the implants are custom-designed for each individual, creating an improved smile appearance is incorporated into the process.

If a gummy smile prevents you from smiling widely, repairing it can be done in a single visit, in most cases. This repositions the gum tissue that arches the teeth most visible in a smile. For many who have a gummy smile, the procedure enables them to finally open up and smile without feeling awkward.

Crown lengthening can also add beautifully to the appearance of a smile. This recontours the gums so the smile line (the gums over teeth) is more even.

Healthy teeth and gums can make a dramatic improvement in one’s appearance, self-esteem, confidence level. Let this year be the year of your best smile! Begin with a consultation to discuss a confident smile that you’ll share openly and often! Call 828-274-9440 for an appointment.

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