How Fearful Patients Can Achieve A Healthy Mouth

Posted on Apr 07, 2014 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

As a Periodontal Specialist, I see a great many adults who have developed gum disease, and lost teeth as a result, because of dental fear. Although modern techniques and advanced technology in dentistry greatly enhance comfort with less time required for treatment, these advancements do nothing to help fearful patients overcome dental fears.

Sadly, dental fear prevents many adults from having regular dental care or receiving treatment when problems are small. Many will wait until there is an urgent need that ‘forces’ them into a dental office. In our office, most fearful patients begin with a Consultation appointment.

In the Consultation, we discuss their current situation, goals and concerns. I find many perceive a sense of lost control while in a reclined position in a narrow chair, which makes them feel vulnerable. Because the mouth is a very sensitive area, fearful patients actually anticipate pain. These patients often need time to gain confidence in my commitment to their comfort.

While dental fear is not uncommon among adults, it can be overcome. Most fearful patients begin with Oral Sedation, which is taken prior to your arrival so you are relaxed from the very start. Once you are in the treatment chair, a staff member is continually by your side to monitor you with sophisticated equipment.

Numbing medications are provided once you are totally relaxed, so this part of the process causes no anxiety. You’ll be relaxed throughout your visit and likely won’t remember any part of treatment. Yet, afterwards, recovery is quick and you’ll feel refreshed.

If dental fears prevent you from a healthy, confident smile, remember that every journey begins with a first step. Call (828) 274-9440 for a Consultation appointment. We’ll meet and discuss your options so you can decide how you wish to proceed.

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