Is Your Mouth In Need Of ‘Servicing?’

Posted on Jun 05, 2014 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Let’s say your home’s heating and air-conditioning system is getting quite old and hasn’t been regularly serviced. Inevitably, it will require repairs, which you know deep down. Some will need major repairs or even total replacement. Getting the estimate to get the system back in order may be a shock, however, life without heat and air conditioning would be rather challenging.

Life without healthy teeth would be terribly challenging as well. In addition to the regular maintenance of your daily oral home care regimen, your 6-month cleanings are designed to help you avoid problems or treat those that are still small.

If you have avoided dental care, you are likely experiencing symptoms associated with periodontal (gum) disease. You may have noticed your gums bleed when you brush or seem tender. You may also have bad breath on a persistent basis or have swollen gums at the base of teeth.

Periodontal disease does not improve without treatment. If untreated, it will result in eventual tooth loss. The bacteria of gum disease has also been associated with heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, preterm babies, memory loss, stroke and more.

Our office offers several payment options so dental treatment is manageable to most budgets. So why miss out on a healthy, confident smile? Call (828) 274-9440 to arrange a consultation appointment. We’ll discuss ways we can restore a healthy smile for you while you make monthly payments that fit your budget.

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