Replacing Back Teeth Is Important For Well-Being Of Other Teeth

Posted on Aug 13, 2014 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

If you lose a back tooth, why replace it since the tooth isn’t visible?

The arrangement of your teeth is a balanced support system that provides proper support and stability. Losing a tooth can start a vicious cycle of ongoing oral problems. Typical problems include drifting, shifting, and an increased risk of gum disease and decay.

In a normal, healthy mouth, there is a natural balance of teeth. Each tooth has three or four companion teeth. These include the adjacent teeth on either side as well as upper or lower teeth that meet them. Upper and lower teeth work together to provide comfortable chewing function.

When a tooth is lost, statistics show that the companion tooth will be lost next. Then, the next closest tooth is subjected to the same conditions. With each tooth lost, the problems are magnified and the cycle of tooth loss continues.

While a fixed bridge restores your smile’s appearance and chewing function, it relies on natural adjacent teeth for support. Rather than crowning otherwise healthy teeth for this purpose, we recommend Dental Implants. Dental Implants are secured in the jaw bone, just like natural tooth roots. The result is an appealing look and feel with exceptional stability. Plus, they are designed to last a lifetime.

The best time to replace missing teeth is immediately after the tooth is lost. In a Consultation appointment, we will be happy to discuss the process for Dental Implants. During this discussion, your questions will be answered so you can make the decision that is best for your needs. Call (828) 274-9440 to arrange a time convenient to you.

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