Survey Says Smiles Trim Years Off Best!

Posted on Feb 20, 2014 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

If you began 2014 with a resolution to “get fit,” you may be finding your enthusiasm is waning about now. As we age, losing weight and keeping in shape is a daunting task for most of us.

Findings of a survey of over 1,000 American adults were recently shared by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. The survey assessed how today’s consumers invest in their appearance.

A whopping 80% of those polled said they would invest to minimize the effects of aging. And, while 48% claimed they would spend on weight loss measures, 62% said they would spend money on their smile, with females more likely to invest in their smile than males.

About half felt the appearance of a smile can conceal the effects of aging while only 10% felt a physique could conceal one’s true age. Adults age 50 & over claim a smile is a better feature at camouflaging the years than adults in the 18-29 age category.

As a Periodontist, I specialize in the health AND appearance of gum tissues. Two procedures I regularly perform involve gum recontouring. Most contouring is performed as a gingivectomy that removes excess gum tissue around teeth. This is frequently done to repair a “gummy smile,” for example.

Gingivectomies are also performed in crown lengthening. This enhances the appearance of a smile for people who have porcelain veneers or crowns placed. This gives an even line of gum tissue for a smile that is flattering and attractive!

The appearance of your smile can be a major factor in self-esteem, self-confidence and of course, appearance. It is important to have both a healthy smile and one that makes us feel good from the inside out! To discuss your smile, feel free to contact us at (828) 274-9440.

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