The Value Of Your Oral Health & Comfort

Posted on Feb 27, 2013 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

Very few of my patients are wealthy. Most of them are on careful budgets and watch their expenses carefully. Yet, the ones who truly understand the value of a healthy smile and ability to chew comfortably also understand that insurance is not watching out for their long-term well-being. These are typically the patients with healthy, worry-free smiles who have made decisions based on what is in THEIR best interest rather than what their insurance company approves or allows in a given year.

Although some dental needs can reach quite a high amount, our patients know we will help them every way possible. In addition to providing insurance filing, we offer several payment options. Some of these require no down payment and no interest when payments are completed in a set period of time. Some are even tax deductible.

Additionally, we are happy to structure your treatment in segments so expenses are paced in an affordable sequence. We’ve worked with some patients who’ve combined their Health Savings Account with a credit card. Some have opted for treatment based on their ability to use funds from a second mortgage.

When people understand the total health benefits of a healthy mouth and the ability to chew comfortably, achieving their goal is no longer an issue of money. As one patient put it, “I have to spend money on essentials, but I choose to invest in things that are even more important. I can’t think of anything in my mouth that isn’t worth investing in.”

Let us know if you would like to discuss financial options so you, too, can achieve the oral health and confident smile you deserve.


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