Tissue Regeneration In Dentistry Is Here & Now!

Posted on Jan 31, 2020 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

It may sound far-fetched to think of repairing the urethra by regenerating tissues from the mouth. Yet, it’s being done – with the help of advanced technology.

Stricture of the urethra (the duct that carries urine out of the bladder) affects about 1 percent of the male population. For the one percent who suffer with it, urethral stricture contributes to a severely diminished quality of life.

The condition causes patients to be chronically ill, have low urine flow, pain, urinary infections, urinary stones and can lead to failure of the urinary system. Untreated, life-threatening urinary retention can occur.

Recently, a breakthrough in the surgical treatment of male urethral stricture was reported when over 81 percent of patients with urethral strictures were successfully treated with MukoCell.

MukoCell is a method for tissue-engineered oral mucosa transplantation. It takes a small area of oral mucosa (the secreting tissues in the mouth) that is easily accessible in any patient. (https://www.healtheuropa.eu/treatment-of-mens-disease-with-regenerative-medicine/96925/)

In the past, the most successful treatment for urethral reconstruction was through an oral mucosa graft. However this process requires harvesting a large area of oral tissues. The repercussions can leave patients with persistent pain, bleeding, swelling, sensory loss and oral numbness.

Removing large segments of tissues in the mouth can also cause impaired ability to drink, eat and speak. It can lead to periodontal (gum) disease,tooth loss and dental implant failure along with an increased risk of oral cancer.

MukoCell is a method for a tissue-engineered oral mucosa transplant with even better success rates that the standard grafting procedure. Like our LANAP technology, MukoCell can regenerate tissues, although MukoCell regeneration is through a tissue factory that uses a small piece of the patient’s oral mucosa.

In our Asheville Periodontal dental office, tissue regeneration can be successfully performed in the patient’s mouth. Through our LANAP technology (Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure) this highly-advanced method efficiently and effectively treats periodontitis (advanced gum disease).

When it comes to oral structure loss, our LANAP technology is able to stimulate bone regrowth in damaged areas. It can regrow periodontal ligament, alveolar bone (the bony ridge that supports the upper teeth), and regrow the bony film that adheres teeth to the jaw.

LANAP includes a minimally invasive (essentially ‘non-surgical’) PerioLase laser that treats patients with moderate to severe periodontal disease – in as little as one session. It is safe for people with conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and hemophilia.

LANAP’s laser also eliminates the need for cutting into gum tissues with a scalpel. There are no stitches and patients have minimal discomfort following the procedure.

The advanced technology of LANAP offers a simple yet successful way to rid the infectious bacteria of advanced gum disease. By combating this inflammatory disease, the body is at less risk for systemic inflammation that has been shown to contribute to serious and even deadly health problems.

Overcoming gum disease can help patients to save natural teeth. This means the trauma of tooth loss and decisions for replacement can be avoided.

While we applaud astounding developments in tissue regeneration, MukoCell’s progress reinforces the importance of having a healthy ‘oral cavity’. This is why we committed to include the LANAP protocol into our periodontal dental office, making this cutting edge technology accessible to people all across Western North Carolina.

Although people often think of their smile as ‘teeth,’ the tissues in the mouth are a vital part of your smile, your oral health, and your overall health. They are your blanket of protection that shields vulnerable structures beneath from bacterial destruction. When this covering of gum tissues becomes damaged, LANAP offers an efficient and effective method to restore the healthy state of what was lost.

If you suffer with symptoms of gum disease (tender gums that bleed when brushing, persistent bad breath, or gums that have turned red in color), call our office promptly at 828-274-9440. The condition will only worsen without treatment and could result in tooth loss as well as the release of potent bacteria into the bloodstream.

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