What Is Causing You To Have Bad Breath Odor

Posted on Aug 09, 2022 by William J. Claiborne, DDS MS

It’s one thing to have “coffee mouth” or give off telltale signs of having onions on a burger at lunch. It’s another to be “that person” who has an embarrassing reputation for bad breath.

Bad breath happens to us all. After all, waking up first thing in the morning reminds us that our mouths are “not so fresh.” However, bad breath is generally easy to avoid. Below, I’ll share some ways to feel confident in closeness.

But first, let me explain how bad breath begins. The origin of most bad breath occurs from too many bacteria in the mouth. On a day-to-day basis, oral bacteria are normal and not problematic. However, when the mouth contains an overload of oral bacteria.

Bacteria thrive in warm, dark, moist places. That’s precisely the environment they have in the oral cavity (the mouth). Bacteria are living, eating and reproducing organisms. They thrive on rotting food particles in the mouth and attack tender gum tissues.

As they amass, a sticky film forms, known as plaque. If not brushed away daily, plaque hardens on teeth into tartar (or calculus). This cement-hard form of bacteria attacks tooth enamel and gums.

The faster bacteria reproduce, the faster is the damage potential caused by these destructive organisms. The accumulation of these bacteria results in the production and release of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), which causes a smelly breath odor.

The most common causes of bad breath include poor oral hygiene, gum diseases and dry mouth, a condition in which the salivary glands cannot make enough saliva to keep the mouth moist.

Not surprisingly, one of the symptoms of periodontal (gum) disease is persistent bad breath. This is a foul odor in the mouth that exists even shortly after brushing. Gum chewing and mints may mask it temporarily, but it is actually the scent of gum tissues being destroyed in the mouth. You may also notice tender gums that bleed easily when brushing.

Dry mouth is another contributing factor to bad breath, primarily because oral bacteria thrive when they are not being rinsed away through saliva. Saliva is the mouth’s natural rinsing agent and sweeps bacteria out on a continual basis. Without sufficient saliva, bacteria are able to reproduce at a more rapid pace.

Several causes for dry mouth are smoking, some illnesses, snoring and mouth-breathing, and certain medications. The aging process also leaves adults with less saliva flow. Drinking alcohol and caffeinated beverages are drying to the mouth as well.

When you feel your mouth is dry, the ideal aid to the saliva you have is drinking filtered water. Water is the perfect beverage when it comes to supporting your oral health. It also helps to keep your body more hydrated, which aids in overall function. Chewing sugarless gum also enhances saliva flow and is advised after meals when brushing is not possible.

The tongue is also a tremendous source of oral bacteria. With its tiny grooves, bacteria embed in the tongue and enjoy a warm, moist haven for reproduction. This is why using a tongue scrapper daily or brushing the tongue with your tooth brush can help reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth quite a bit. Be sure to get to the back of the tongue where the majority of oral bacteria live (even though you may cause some slight gagging while doing so).

If you want fresh breath, the key, obviously, is to control the amount of bacteria in your mouth. Begin with a clean mouth through your six-month dental cleanings and exams. These appointments help to remove buildup that has accumulated between visits, reducing the amount of bacteria in the mouth.

Then, twice daily, brush for at least two minutes, floss daily and use a tongue scraper or brush your tongue. Drink lots of water during the day. Limit sugary treats or drinks since bacteria are super-charged by sugars and carbohydrates. Swish after eating or drinking, especially coffee or a glass of wine to counteract drying effects.

If you are dealing with bad breath on a persistent basis, a periodontal exam is recommended. Through this, we can determine its cause and help to remedy or control it so you have worry-free closeness. The specialized skills of a periodontist provides you with a direct path to fresh breath.

Call our Asheville periodontal dental office at 828-274-9440. If fear or anxiety associated with dental visits has kept you from having regular dental care, please mention this when you schedule as well as during our initial consultation. We have an exceptional track record in caring for fearful dental patients and also offer oral or I.V. sedation, when desired.



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